🧩 Maintaining Code Quality with pre-commit
Some tips and tools to help keep research software reproducible, reliable and robust.

Some tips and tools to help keep research software reproducible, reliable and robust.
The idea is that this list will grow (and possibly shrink) over time as I discover more engineering blogs, and I will use this list as a reference for myself.
This post walks through the steps involved if you want to fork a public Github repository, privately. It will show how to have an open public repository and how to mirror it in a private repository on Github.
Here are my worked examples from the very useful LinkedIn Learning course: PySpark by Example by Jonathan Fernandes : https://www.linkedin.com/learning/apache-pyspark-by-example
Scala compiles down to Java byte code, which can then be run on any system running the JVM. It would be nice if one could extend this to native system binaries that can be run anywhere. Here I walk through the steps of getting SBT-Native-Packager to create a native binary as well as a docker image that can run my 'Hello World' application.
Calling compiled Scala code inside the JVM from Python using PySpark.
, that'll do!A while ago I worked on a method to allow local writing of development logs in markdown, which I could then upload to Github where my supervisor could take a look. Here are the steps..
A walk through of the steps installing MATLAB, R and Julia kernels for Jupyter notebooks, with some gotchas you may encounter along the way.